

16. April 2024
Chaogui attends The 2024 AAG Annual Meeting held in Honolulu, Hawai’i, USA.

19. July 2023
Chaogui chairs the Spatial Statistics session and talks an analytical framework for delineating the warping space of spatial interactions at The 30th International Conference on Geoinformatics held in London, UK.

23. May 2023
Zheren and Cheng successfully defend their Master dissertations. Congratulations!

20. May 2023
Chaogui talks a new method to search similar multi-dimensional time series with spatial database at The 18th China Annual Conference on Theory and Methods of Geographic Information Science.

22. September 2022
Chaogui shares thoughts on synergizing remote sensing and social sensing toward urban land use mapping at the GRM Seminar hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. </b>

25. May 2022
Jiewen and Zhuo successfully defend their Master dissertations. Congratulations!

15. April 2022
Chaogui will organize the Social Sensing and Urban Computing session at the 3rd ACM Spatial Data Intelligence China Conference.

19. December 2021
Chaogui advises the Artificial Intelligence and Application of Image Data session at the 2021 International Graduate Workshop on GeoInformatics.

17. October 2021
Chaogui talks an explainable machine learning model for urban land use classification at the China GIS 2021 Conference in Hangzhou.

25. November 2020
Yuanquan successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations!

20. March 2020
CFP: GIScience 2020 Workshop on Advancing Movement Data Science.

04. November 2019
CFP: The 15th Conference on Spatiotemporal Behavior and Planning: Spatiotemporal Behavioral Interaction and Urban Sustainability.

06. October 2019
CFP: Statistical Methods and Deep Learning for Trajectory Data Analysis at the AAG 2020 GeoAI Symposium.

25. July 2019
Chaogui joins the Center for Urban Science + Progress at New York University as a visiting scholar.

9. July 2019
Chaogui talks the spatio-temporal evolution of urban crowd flows at the GCSS 2019.

24-26. June 2019
Chaogui and Fanxin attend the 2nd International Conference on Urban Informatics at Hong Kong.

05. June 2019
Xilin and teammates win the first-tier award in the MathorCup 2019.

24. May 2019
Dongwan defends her Master!

05. April 2019
Chaogui organizes the GeoAI and Deep Learning Symposium at the 2019 AAG Annual Meeting.

18. May 2018
Chaogui becomes a committee member of the Chinese Society for Urban Studies.

21. September 2017
The lab assists in organizing the ICSDM 2017.

24. April 2015
Welcome Mengxue & Xuan — our lab is officially starting!